Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bulletin Boards

One of my favorite things to do is to make bulletin boards for the different holidays and themes throughout the year. Here are a few that I made when I taught first.

Gasparilla is a huge deal in the Tampa Bay area and for our lesson about our city's history we learned about Jose Gaspar and made these super cute pirate handprints.

During the winter the students were learning about authors and titles of books and after they read a book they liked they wrote the title and author on these cute mittins. The first year I did this we made a cute fireplace and hung them on it... Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that one.

At the end of the year we practiced Creative Writing and the Writing Process. First we did a character web and discussed thinking of a name for our main character and then discussed traits for the charater. Students wrote what he/she looked like, what they liked to eat, who was in their family, and favorite things to do. The students wrote rough drafts and then we edited their stories which were all called My Bunny Tale. The students made the bunny look like their character on the outside. The stories had a beginning, middle, and end for a total of 5 pages. Then the students used the space above their writing to illustrate each page. When the students finished their tale we stapled a cotton ball to the back to make a tail.

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